Reserving a Brew Station
Brewhouse reservations are made on a third-party app, Tactic: Office Management. You can reserve a brewing or bottling station from:
- Desktop computer browser
- Mobile app for phones
- Slack: #Tactic-Reservations
Reservation App Main Screens
The Tactic app is designed to reserve desks in an office and has a few features we will not be using. The following overview points out the features you will be using.

Home Screen
Weekly overview of reservations.
- Make A Reservation: Press 'Reserve Desk' button to pop up the reservation panel.
- Reservations This Week: See who is brewing and edit your upcoming reservations.

Map Screen
Daily overview of reservations.
- Date Navigation: Enter the day you want or browse by day.
- Select Brew Station: Press the station's green dot to pop up the reservation panel.

Directory Screen
Member listing and profiles
- Member Directory: Browse and search the member list.
- Update Your Profile: Press the Setting tab to edit your profile photo and information.
Brew Station Access & Restrictions
The map screen provides a visual overview of the brewing and bottling stations you can reserve.
Green = Available: Gas Brew Stations 1–3 and Bottling Stations are available to all Brewer and Apprentice members.
Photo = Reserved: A member's profile photo appears on the station they have reserved. Press on the image to pop up a panel showing their reservation time.
Grey = Restricted: Electric Brew Stations 4 & 5 require training. A green dot will appear after you complete training for the Solo or Trio.

Making Reservations From Slack

In the Slack channel #tactic-reservations, you can type /tactic desk in a message and press send. A pop-up panel will appear to reserve a brew station.
You will not need to choose an office or zone, just the following inputs:
- Select Day: Use the drop down calendar for selecting day.
- Start & End Time: Drop down menu is on the hour. You can type over the time displayed to reserve by the hour and minute (eg. 4:20pm.)
- Select Station: Type B in the search field to see the full list of brewing and bottling stations available for the time you have selected.
Slack Reservations:
Tactic appears in Slack’s Apps list, press to view a log of your reservations. You can check in or cancel your reservation in Slack.
In order to make reservations in Slack, you must sign up for Tactic using your Slack account email address.
Your Profile Screen
The Directory tab has a searchable list of all members, and you can view everyone’s profile. You will enter your profile information when joining Tactic.
- Email Address: Sign up to Tactic with the same email you use for Slack, this is the only way to make reservations from Slack.
- Profile Image: Please use an actual photo of yourself! We're a social club, make it easy for people to know who you are.
- Name: NO NICKNAMES, enter your First & Last name.
- Phone Number: If your fermenter has blown its top, we can send you a text message — please add your phone number.
- Title: Let us know if you are on the board or an executive officer. You can also identify as a Solo or Trio Trainer.
- Bio/About: Give us an idea of your experience level and styles your into.
YOUR TEAMS: You will be assigned to teams based on your membership level and training certification for the electric brew stations. After completing training, you will be added to the Solo Certified or Trio Certified teams. You can check your profile to make sure you on the right teams.

Getting Started

Create Account
You will receive an email invitation to join Tactic with a link to create an account (check your promotion or spam folder.)

Mobile App
Search for Tactic: Office Management in the app store. Download and log in using your Tactic account credentials.
Questions? Join the #tactic-reservations channel on Slack and we'll help you with reservation issues.