CHAOS Leadership
To further our 501c3 public charity mission, we have developed an organizational structure that includes Executive Officers and a Board of Directors who ensure that CHAOS keeps running. All of these positions are elected on an annual basis during a meeting each spring and any member of the club can join these positions.
Executive Officers
The executive team ensures that everything CHAOS does keeps running smoothly and the club stays true to its mission. Officers are often focused on our education programs, improving the brewhouse, running our monthly meetings, and pitching in on numerous other activities that would be too long to list here. The executive team works closely with the Board of Directors in setting annual goals and keeping projects on track.

In charge of the business of the club (subject only to the board of directors). This position sees to it that the Board’s decisions are carried out. Definitely a leader; definitely good at management with solid communication skills. Be present at all board meetings. This is the person who can enter into contracts and agreements with other organizations as outlined by the Board.
President (2023–2024):
Steven Lane

Vice President
Assists the president in carrying out his or her duties at the president’s discretion and will carry out other duties as the president or Board of Directors instructs. Takes over as president (and has all the responsibilities and powers of president) in the president’s absence. Vice president may also enter into contracts, etc. with other organizations.
Vice President (2024–2025):
Alex Dropkin

Membership Director
Maintains records and data of members (including but not limited to membership levels and the start/end dates for members’ annual membership); sending welcome letters to new members as well as renewal notices to current members; although this person may not enter into agreements, contracts, etc. one duty of the Membership Officer will be outreach, contacting new members and new partnering organizations.
Membership Director (2024–2025):
Jeff Whelpley

The person responsible for making sure that 100% of the funds from our memberships go back into the club. This person must maintain the books; takes care of all funds (coming in and going out); gives a financial report at each meeting and prepares a year-end fiscal report; receives and deposits any money coming to the club into the established club account; other temporary duties as assigned by the president or Board of Directors.
Treasurer (2023–2024)
Ben Resch

Record the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors (which is satisfied merely by letting an mp3 recorder run at the meetings) as well as other meetings where voting occurs; send out all notices (e.g., of meetings); keep the corporate records (e.g., bylaws); other temporary duties as assigned by the president or Board of Directors; in charge of timely changing the registered agent with the Secretary of State and for timely filing the corporation’s annual report with the IRS.
Secretary (2024–2025)
Jim Keller
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of people who are devoted to the club emotionally, physically, mentally, intellectually, and socially. What they really offer is ideas, encouragement, making connections, giving the club direction, and community building initiatives. Beyond just keeping the brewhouse running and stocked, board members enthusiastically and energetically promote the club’s mission (which is, first and foremost, education and community involving home and craft brew).

Patty McGuire (2023)
Responsible for organizing brewing competitions for members.

Jon Phillips (2023)
Helps with event planning and community outreach

Mark Goodson (2023)
Assits in club marketing projects and operational improvement at the brewhouse

Michael Helzer (2024)
A National BJCP beer and mead judge, and brewing chemistry geek. Michael helps with educational events.

Jason Whitehouse (2021)
Helps keep the brewhouse running, has a beginner’s luck gold medal in his pocket.

Eric Franklin (2024)
As president, his goal is to work with the team to improve member experience, streamline membership drives, and improve brewhouse aesthetics.

Steve Burkhart (2022)
Part of a team that maintains and improves the brewhouse. Enhancing brewhouse and the social vibe, making it a place to brew and enjoy beer.

Jeff Whelpley (2022)
Former three time club President, manages the Grain Store, created Summer BrewBQ.

Steven Lane (2022)
Self appointed Party Czar, designer of promo, swag, and good times.
This group of nine members sets CHAOS’s organizational goals and direction, approves major expenditures. The board members have a three-year term, with three positions open for election each year — learn more about our Organizational Structure.